To keep your listing fresh on the tables, update your rate information whenever your rates change or you receive a stale rates notification email. You can extend your dates into the future. However, if a rate changes, you must update it in a timely manner. Feel free to pause the campaign to remove rate(s) from the table until rate(s) are updated and a Site Update has completed processing.
To update your rates, see instructions below:
1. Login to Advertiser Portal
2. Click Update Rates tab
3. Click Update Rates link
4. Step 1: Select Institution
5. Step 3: Click Deposits link
6. On Rates Entry Page, find the product(s) to update and input rate data in columns below
7. Check Effect to Date (located in top-middle of menu bar)
8. If date is correct, move to Steps 9 and 10. If extending date, enter new date and proceed to Steps 9 and 10.
9. Click Set Date button
10. Click Update button
11. Confirmation Message will appear in red and an email will be set to inbox
Required Fields
Yield (APY)
Minimum to Open
Enhancement Fields (Optional)
Advertiser Comments: Use call to action verbiage or highlight rate disclosures. Limited to 65 characters including spaces
Hyperlink Advertiser Comments: If enabled, text is clickable and directs consumer to landing page. If disabled, only plain text will appear.
Article is closed for comments.